Our Values
Putting Christ FirstCentral’s doctrinal and moral values are outlined in Scripture and seen in the life of Jesus. Our mission as a body of redeemed saints is to “present everyone mature in Christ.” Our approach to accomplishing our mission is seen in five important values.
Spiritual Transformation
God has a strong desire for us to know Him better, to gain wisdom and to understand His will and His way. Central’s leadership has designed opportunities for biblical, Christ-centered teaching to encourage and enable everyone in their spiritual growth. This is accomplished through Bible classes, small study groups and other teaching opportunities. In each setting we listen, learn and apply Biblical truths that continually transform us into His image.
Spiritual Fellowship
Christ wants His redeemed body to grow in unity with each other based on their walk with Him. As a spiritual fellowship we encourage one another, we challenge one another, we equip one another and we love one another to honor Jesus. Genuine relationships are built as we join together, using our God-given capabilities to serve.
Spiritually Strong Homes
God designed the family as the primary means to nurture spiritual maturity. Connecting each home, regardless of make-up or stage of life, with the necessary tools to equip and nurture the home is essential to presenting everyone mature in Christ. Central desires to enrich the home, strengthen marriages and transform the lives of children and students.
Spiritual Worship
Worship is critical for the life of each individual, each home and for this family of faith. God desires His created beings to give Him glory and honor. We strive to ensure that this local body of Christ benefits from biblical, sincere and God-honoring worship. Our desire is to connect with God through worship, in praise and adoration of our Creator and Savior.
Spiritual Mission
We must never forget our responsibility to share the saving message of the Gospel with the lost and dying in our community and to every nation. This responsibility is absolutely core to our existence as a body of Christ. We recognize the mission Jesus created His church to fulfill. We are partnered internationally and nationally with missionaries committed to this spiritual mission. We are committed to encourage each redeemed child of God at Central, to participate in reaching out to the lost. God saved each of us and transforms each of us, to be an equipped body of believers, to make disciples for Jesus.